In Florida, fall happened for, like, a week. It was "fall" because all the hurricanes and tropical storms were named started with the ending letters of the alphabet, and because it was slightly less humid. And then, almost overnight, trees would turn brown and shed and boom, it was "winter."
I never understood the appeal of jumping into a pile of leaves in Florida. They are brown and ugly and dead and Palmetto roaches are probably nesting in them. And then I moved to Northern Virginia, where autumn brings beautiful golden and red leaves and Palmetto bugs don't exist. I could totally jump into a giant pile of leaves!
A few weekends ago (yes I'm sorry I've been slackingggg), the boyfriend was up here, and we tried to take advantage of the cool crisp weather and do some corny fall things. We'd gone to a pumpkin path in Florida last year (in shorts, mind you) so we topped it with the most adorable corn maze. It was a little cornfusing, by we accomplished it!
a-MAIZE-ing! |
Riding some hay! |
It was made out of real corn. |
Excuse all the lovely iPhone photos. I have a camera somewhere, but the iPhone really does take pretty good photos, and it's ALWAYS with me. Se la vie. Anyways. That weekend, we also went to Serendipity and tried the frozen hot chocolate!
looking all hipster-y in Gerogetown |
I'll probably lose some readers by saying this but... I wasn't a huge fan of the frozen hot chocolate. It tasted watery. Not rich and creamy like hot chocolate tastes. Don't get me wrong, it was good... but it's definitely not something I will crave or offer to punch babies for.
This post is not in chronological order, by the way. Because the corn maze was on Monday and the hot chocolate was on Friday and now I'll bring you to Saturday, the Taste of DC fest!
That's right, pinkies out with those huge manly beers! |
It was a food and beer fest, where local restaurants and food trucks provided sample snacks, and Stella hosted a beer garden. We befriending one of the beer-pouring volunteers and got a littttllllleeee tipsy at 2pm. Someone famous also provided live entertainment, although I had no idea who he was. Sean Paul? Ron John? Biggie Smalls? Some guy with two names like that...
Despite the photos, it wasn't the happiest weekend we've had together. Long distance is rough, and it sucks even more when you get into an argument in the short time you have to spend together. But, it was a reality check that I think we both needed in our situation. It's so easy to treat time together like vacations or honeymoons, when, in fact, it's a real actual relationship, with ups and downs and everything in between.
I'm not a fan of comparing situations, but I think that was a big contributing factor to why my last relationship failed... we were always honeymooning, and never actually dealt with real issues or situations. And, let's be realistic... you can't play house your entire life...
Anyways, to make a depressing story positive again, we clearly worked things out and made the most of the weekend. So, all in all, a successful start to fall!
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