Thursday, May 3, 2012

Spring Cleaning and Reservations

It's already Thursday!?  Holy crap, where did my week go?  Well, I spent yesterday evening cleaning the house and my room a little bit.  My parents will be here tomorrow for my graduation, and although we keep our house pretty clean, I wanted it to look great.  When I clean, it usually ends up in organizing and cleaning out things, too.  I made up a huge box of stuff to give to Goodwill, which includes the enormous teddy bear from my ex that I've had no idea what to do with for over a year so I stuffed in in the hall closet.  I really hate getting stuffed animals from boys.  My current boyfriend got me a pink dinosaur for Christmas, and it's probably the only stuffed animal I actually like.  I just feel like I'm 22, I shouldn't have a zoo on my bed.  Anyways, a huge box to donate and two trash bags later, my room and the kitchen were all cleaned up! 

Prior to that, I may or may not have had a slight breakdown involving me pulling the but-I'm-your-little-girl card to my dad about my graduation dinner.  Lunch.  Whatever.  Basically, the restaurant I was dying to go to as my celebration was completely booked.  As in, no reservations between 11am and 11pm.  I'm not even exaggerating.  Who the hell eats dinner at 11am?  I'd been dying to go back there and was genuinely upset.  I made reservations at 7 other restaurants in the Orlando area.  Yes, I'm aware of how much of an overkill that is.  I'm just so indecisive.  I've narrowed it down to three choices, with my top one being Emeril's on CityWalk.  I just have something against restaurants in touristy areas.  The food is usually good, but it's usually never as exceptional as I hope.  I've heard great things, though, so I'm excited regardless. 

This weekend has to many exciting and busy things in store.   I'm getting my hair trimmed today.  Not by SuperCuts.  I learned my lesson there the hard way.  I've been going to the Paul Mitchell School for the past 4 years, and I've never been disappointed.  Oh, I'm sure you have qualms about students doing your hair, but I almost prefer it that way.  Sure, it takes longer than a real salon, but it's priced for a college budget and they have a supervisor making sure they do everything properly and checking the work as they go.  I get my hair cut very specifically, so they understand the textbook terms and the proper way to do things. 

Tomorrow morning at 9am I graduate.  I'm so tempted to bring along a water bottle of mimosa to celebrate with on stage.  Three hours of sitting through that ceremony?  Yawn.  Let's be honest, I just want to hear my name.  Saturday is Cino de Mayo, and I've already told you how excited I am for that.  Sangria and sunshine and sombreros!  Sunday, I'm going to try and make it to the beach, but considering last year's Sixth of May, that may be a stretch.  (For those of you wondering, I had an international flight to Italy the day after Cinco de Mayo last year.  My "no I'll just day drink a little" turned into raging into the night, and I may or may not have almost thrown up on the connection in New Jersey.  Rough.) Thankfully, the beach is not a zillion miles in the air. 

Anyways, I suppose I should get back to this episode of How I Met Your Mother...


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